Monday, December 7, 2009

Snatches & Cleans

  • Snatch - heavy single; 75% of that x 1 x 5; 1 min rest on drop sets
  • Clean & jerk - heavy single; 75% of that x 1 x 5; 1 min rest on drop sets
  • Front squat - heavy single; 80% of that x 2 x 2
  • Weighted back extensions - 30 total; DB behind neck; lock pelvis in place and flex/extend ONLY the spine; 2 sec pause at top
Snatch single of 55kg, drop sets at 40kg
Clean & jerk single of 85kg, drop sets at 60kg
Front squats at 80kg, then 90kg
Weighted good mornings, 1 set of 20 at 40kg

Bjorn 60kg Snatch (fail)...this one is my favourite :)

80kg Clean & Jerk

Snatch single of 62.5kg (PR), drop sets at 40kg
Clean & Jerk single of 90kg (PR), drop sets at 60kg
Front squats at 80kg, then 90kg
Weighted good mornings, 1 set of 20 at 40kg

Mike 62.5kg Snatch

Mike 90kg Clean & Jerk


  1. Thank christ nobody looks at this Blog, what a shit day i had.

    Mike on the other hand, marvelous movement. Nice one bruv. Body weight snatch here you come.

  2. Thanks dude.

    BTW, your comment was true. You need to have the bad days in order to improve. We learn something in those moments.

    This will be fun to look back on one day. Everyone loves a good snatch-hissy-fit :)
